We take pride in making sure your dollars are spent wisely , if you are down we have a rental program to put an instrument in your hands when you need it .
Rent-A-Lab is a unique concept by which a laboratory spectrometer user can rent a system to cover their production analysis when their system is down for repair or is in need of replacement.
The Belec Compact Port is the best mobile oes instrument on the market for non-destructive testing and quality control professionals. As a lightweight spectrometer, the Belec Compact Port is capable of performing inspection duties that no other mobile oes unit on the market can do. From analyzing light elements in steel to meeting the needs of oil and gas operators, the Compact Port is the best instrument for the job.

Belec Spektrometrie Opto-Elektronik GmbH manufactures 3 models of laboratory spectrometers.
The Belec OPTRON is a compact lab that can provide certified analysis on multiple bases and in various applications. Designed for afforablity and ease of use the Optron can fit any budget.
The NEW Belec IN-SPECT with a 7th generation dual spectrometer optic guarantees unbeaten performance with significantly reduced total maintenance.
A large standard element list with excellent detection limits makes this the work horse in the Belec laboratory product line.
The Belec VARIO is the top of the line and comes it 2 different Models.
The MODEL 2P using Photomultiplier tubes can give the lowest detection limits on any element and with an optional spark probe can test large samples that need sold and can not be destroyed.
The MODEL 2C designed with the latest state of the art CCD detectors allows for unlimited element line selection and multple based applications. The .5 meter optic gives the Model 2C detection limits that approach a PMT system with no wavelength sacrafice.

Dan McWhorter

Innovative Analytical Solutions (IAS) was founded by Dan McWhorter in 2014 to provide high quality OES spectrometers and Tensile Strength Testing equipment for PMI, NDT and laboratory use. IAS will help you find the instrument that meets your needs, train you on how to properly use it and stand behind the instruments quality. If you’re ready for a partner and not a sales pitch take the next step and reach out to us.

We aim not to be just your salesman but a partner to help you find what suits your applications best. Whether you purchase from us or not we want to make sure you have the instruments you need to succeed!

Belec is a worldwide producer of optical emission spectrometers for metal analysis. The instruments offer fast and precise analyses of metal as it is required e.g. by the automotive industry.
Belec Compact Port HLC, Belec Vario Lab, Belec IN-SPECT and Belec OPTRON are four high-performance instrument types for either mobile or stationary operation.